The Oconee County Public Library (OCPL) is once again holding their Summer Reading program! Summer Reading 2019 is where you keep a log, either through the app or by picking up a paper log at any location, of the days in which you read at least 20 minutes. Not just adults, but teens and children are encouraged to participate as well! This is a great chance for you to explore deeper into subjects that are already near and dear to your heart. Perhaps even catch up on some era in history you are not as familiar regarding? Be bold and try something new – those who work with the OCPL always have the best suggestions for new books to try.
This event’s kick-off will be Friday, May 31st at the Community Street Fair at High Falls County park between 1 and 4pm. With local vendors, food, and games, this is a fantastic event for the whole family.
This event will be running from May 31st to August 3rd. And yes – audio books are included! So why not let your drive in the car also become the setting for an exciting thriller or a fascinating biography?
The OCPL is constantly updating their inventory. Check their website here for the many new releases!
For more information about this and other Summer events through the OCPL, click here.

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